Cilajet is worth the investment!

Cilajet is worth the investment!

My new Blue Mazda looks amazing!  I initially had Cilajet applied on my Silver Mazda last year because I spent about $200 every time I had to clay bar and detail my car.  There are lots of trees where I live dropping tree sap and causing damage.  When Cilajet was...
Cilajet car sealant is like eye candy!

Cilajet car sealant is like eye candy!

My first impression?  My new BMW is gorgeous!  It never crossed my mind that a brand new car could look even better by applying Cilajet Aviation Grade’s car sealant.  Seriously, it literally makes the car look newer than new.  Who would have thought!  I am really,...
Cilajet was worth the investment!

Cilajet was worth the investment!

I am really impressed with how Cilajet Aviation Grade’s sealant feels to the touch!  I understand Cilajet protects aircraft as well. Knowing what a jet goes through at 30,000 feet, it is comforting to know my car is being treated with the same protection. I am...