Cilajet Endorsements

Real reviews from real people

Testimonials from actual Cilajet customers that absolutely love the product

Cilajet Celebrity Endorsements

…no actors were paid for their services or statements, although some were blown away by this product!

“It looks terrific actually…it really does look amazing…it does look a lot better, it’s visibly different. I hope it shows up on camera…it turned out great, it’s an impressive product!”

– Jay Leno

“It looks absolutely incredible, better than when I bought it new!”

– Dr. Garth Fisher

“I just got Cilajet put on all my cars….I’m amazed at how well it works….it’s unbelievable to me, I’ve never seen a product look like this.”

– Ryan Phillippe

“It looked like a different car. It had this glow & shine and I can see my reflection like never before.”

– Kenny Lofton