Dear Kay,
It took a bit longer than expected but I finally brought the truck in a few weeks ago to have Cilajet reapplied to the rocker panels after removing the road tar. As expected the truck looks great and I have peace of mind again knowing that Cilajet is protecting my paint. I can’t express to you and the rest of the company how appreciative I am for the personal phone call explaining how you were going to help me. It was a humbling phone call for sure and I spent several minutes in my driveway reflecting on the extra effort that you and the others at Cilajet made on my behalf.
It was refreshing to know that companies here in America still take the time to interact with their customers on a one- on-one level. Very impressive.
Needless to say I’ve shared the story with my family members, peers and subordinates to let them know that Cilajet truly stands behind their product. So to bring it full circle you have the pictures of my truck being desecrated by that nasty road tar so I wanted to share a new picture with it all cleaned up and ready to go. It’s a bit gloomy here in Minnesota today but it’s looking great once again! Thank you again and I hope everyone at Cilajet has a wonderful Holiday season.
Very Thankful,
1SG Chris Allen
Recruiting NCOIC, Metro South East
Recruiting and Retention BN
Minnesota Army National Guard